You are here readers rate North America's best mountain bike parks

Published May 15, 2015

JACKSON, Wy. (BRAIN) — has completed its second annual Best Bike Parks reader survey.

The site has named the top-five rated lift-served parks in each of eight regions in the U.S. and Canada.

More than 3,000 riders participated in the online survey, ranking bike parks in more than 20 categories ranging from "Best Base Area Amenities" to "Best Technical Trails." In the end, it was the question "What is your favorite bike park?" that determined the top five bike parks in eWestern Canada, Eastern Canada, Northeast, Mid-Atlantic/Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, Northwest and the Rocky Mountains.

"As resorts continue to embrace the growth of mountain biking during the summer months, the survey shines the light on bike parks that are setting an example for progression and accessibility," said's founder, Michelle Good. "One of the great things about riding at a resort is that it's the perfect setting, whether you're trying mountain biking for the first time or you're an expert rider looking to challenge yourself."

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