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Yakima photo contest promotes outdoor stewardship

Published April 23, 2015

BEAVERTON, Ore. (BRAIN) — Yakima has launched an online photo contest, called #sharethetrail, aimed at promoting outdoor stewardship. The contest is co-sponsored by Leave No Trace, IMBA and Subaru.

The contest runs through May 15, and the winning submission will receive a trip for two to the mountain bike festival Mountain Bike Oregon Summer 2015, plus a new Yakima rack system

The contest hopes to compile crowd-sourced images of people taking care of the trails they use and love.

To enter, people can upload photos to or tag their images with #sharethetrail on Twitter or Instagram.

"We all share the trail with someone, from our friends to our kids to our dogs, and we're grateful to everyone sharing the work to keep the great outdoors in better shape than they found it," said Summer Henderson, the brand director at Yakima. "#sharethetrail lets us shine a light on these trail heroes, plus promote the Leave No Trace Seven Principles of outdoor ethics."