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OIA opposes CPSC recall rule change

Published February 6, 2014

BOULDER, Colo. (BRAIN) — The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) filed an objection with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) over its proposed rule change that states once a firm voluntarily agrees to undertake a corrective action plan, the firm is legally bound to fulfill the terms of the agreement. Currently suppliers are under no legal restraints when filing a voluntary recall.

“The rule proposes to make voluntary corrective action plans legally binding and would restrict a company’s ability to recall a product without disclaimers against admission of a product defect or potential hazard,” Kirk Bailey, OIA’s vice president of government affairs, wrote in a letter to the CPSC.

“The proposed rule would potentially expose a company’s trade secrets, including a list of suppliers, manufacturers and U.S. importers, and asks for the identification of significant retailers despite the possibility that the retailer may not have sold the recalled product in significant volumes,” Bailey added.

The deadline has passed to file comment on the rule change, but the OIA continues to solicit industry comment on the issue and to update its members on the rule’s passage.