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Twin Six moving to expanded headquarters

Published July 17, 2013

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (BRAIN) — Clothing brand Twin Six is leaving its downtown Minneapolis home for larger digs just outside the city, in St. Louis Park, that should be up and running by the end of August.

“We’ll be paying just as much [in rent] for four times the space just by crossing the freeway,” said Ryan Carlson, co-founder of Twin Six along with partner Brent Gale.

Twin Six currently runs out a 1,500-square-foot space with a detached garage for overstock. The new 6,000-square-foot space will allow the company to better organize its inventory and add much-needed office and meeting space.

“I think this new move will solve a lot of those internal issues. Everyone will be able to spread out a bit more,” Carlson said.

Twin Six is currently upgrading the brick industrial building, which also has a loading dock, with glass garage doors, a kitchenette and showers for commuting employees. Move-in will begin the first week of August.

The new address is 5711 W. 36th Street, St. Louis Park MN 55416. Company phone numbers will remain the same.