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Mavic shuffles ranks in customer service, sales

Published July 11, 2013

HAVERHILL, MA (BRAIN) — Mavic Inc. on Thursday announced several staffing changes aimed at improving customer service and sales performance at its U.S. division.

Larry Burke this month moves from his position as aftermarket national sales manager to lead Mavic’s OEM business and national accounts. Meanwhile, David O’Connell has been promoted to the newly created position of retail excellence manager. That role incorporates duties formerly assumed by regional sales promoters, who are now called “retail excellence specialists.”

Chris Karnisky has been named West Coast retail excellence specialist, taking over for Eric Zimmer, who has been promoted to Northern California sales rep. In Southern California, longtime rep Chris Schafer has retired and Dean Cirone has taken over the territory.

Other recent personnel changes at Mavic include:

  • Rob Wolske joined the company as director finance and operations in late April.
  • Kyle Ferdyn has been promoted to customer service supervisor. The position was held most recently by Skip Worth, who plans to retire soon.
  • Nicole Chretien joined the company as inside customer service representative.
  • Toby Ferdyn was named small parts and logistics specialist.

“Our collective goal is to align, enhance, and focus all our resources to significantly grow our business,” said Phillip Sporidis, managing director of Mavic Inc. “We’ve had a lot of changes, but it’s all with an effort to improve our responsiveness and deliver improved and fully engaged service to our retail partners.”