Catalyst appoints Lynn Guissinger president, hires Ross | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Catalyst appoints Lynn Guissinger president, hires Ross

Published December 6, 2012

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN) — Catalyst Communication has named Lynn Guissinger, the widow of company founder Leslie Bohm, president of the company. Bohm died earlier this year of brain cancer.

The company also announced that it has hired industry veteran Mercedes Ross to work with bicycle retailers. 

"Through Leslie's final battle with cancer, our Catalyst team has maintained our high-quality production, and is moving us into new industries and products. I know people are wondering about Catalyst without Leslie.  We are staying the course, moving forward." said Gregg Thayer, national sales manager. "Lynn has been very involved in the company for many years. She knows the industry, and she thinks strategically."

Before working with Catalyst, Guissinger clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, practiced law at Holland & Hart, and taught at the University of Colorado School of Law.

"Our sons and I, and the whole Catalyst team, are deeply grieving Leslie," Guissinger said. "Leslie's are big shoes to fill, especially in the bicycle industry. But, we have a strong team, and they are helping us attract new customers and design new products. We are ready to help our clients put together a year-round plan that includes customized direct marketing, built into a systematic 'touch' to their best clients."

Ross brings merchandising and marketing experience

"Mercedes brings us a deep knowledge of the bicycle industry and retailers' needs," Thayer said. "You may know of her as the merchandising magician for the bike industry, and we are also excited about her 25 years of experience in a wide range of industries: bike, ski, outdoor and motorcycle. Her enthusiasm and love for out-of-the-box thinking will encourage retailers to stay inspired about their marketing efforts and how they tie back to the retail experience of their customers."

Ross continues her role with Giant Bicycle USA, traveling around the U.S. extensively to help Giant retailers upgrade their store merchandising and design.

Catalyst continues to move into new segments. The company is completing a decade of creating direct marketing programs in the outdoor industry. The company has been designing and producing custom direct mail for the snow sports industry for three years, and has just launched new offerings in the running business.