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Specialized and Volagi expect to rest case

Published January 11, 2012

SAN JOSE, CA (BRAIN)—Specialized and Volagi lawyers expected to rest their cases Wednesday afternoon in the breach of contract and trade secrets case playing out in Santa Clara Superior Court here.

Specialized is suing Volagi, a road bike brand, and its co-founders, Robert Choi and Barley Forsman, charging that the two launched Volagi while still employed by the Morgan Hill company. Specialized says it should own rights to Volagi's designs.

Specialized's founder and president Mike Sinyard testified Tuesday. Robert Egger, the company's lead designer, was called by plaintiff's attorneys Wednesday morning and was then cross-examined by Volagi's attorney.

Sources close to the case said both sides planned to wrap up their arguments Wednesday afternoon. They are hoping the jury will deliberate Thursday and return a verdict Friday.

Meanwhile, some California retailers say they are selling more Volagis because of publicity over the lawsuit, according to, a Sonoma County, California, website.

Andrew Nelson, manager of the Trek Bicycle Store in Santa Rosa, told the Bohemian that he's sold at least two Volagis a day since the story broke. "That's pretty high volume for something like this," he said.

Across town at the Specialized concept store NorCal Bikesport, co-owner Jim Keene had a different take. "I can see rooting for the underdog and encouraging small companies to build bikes," Keene told the Bohemian, "but in this particular case, to me, it's clear-cut. I think Specialized has every reason to do what they're doing."

—Nathaniel Woo

Earlier story: Volagi's Barbie Vs. Bratz defense