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GearUp to Distribute Steady Rack in U.S.

Published August 16, 2011

WICHITA, KS (BRAIN)—GearUp, a bike storage company, has reached an agreement with Steady Corp. PTY of Perth, Australia, for the exclusive marketing rights to the new Steady Rack bicycle storage system for the U.S. marketplace.

The Steady Rack was first introduced at last year's Interbike. The patented wall mount storage system provides a new and unique method of displaying bikes for the dealer and for convenient and efficient storage for the consumer.

Josh Ogden, of GearUp, said,“ We already have stock at QBP and J&B and a rapidly growing list of consumers and dealers ready to jump on the Steady Rack bandwagon. We think this is one of the most exciting new concepts to come along in quite some time."

David Steadman, of Steady Corp PTY, added, “We are excited to be partnered up with the lads from GearUp and the great distribution network they have and the quality relationships and service level they have established in the U.S. The SteadyRack has really taken off here in Australia and we are looking forward to great success in the U.S. as well.”

The new Steady Rack will once again be on display at Interbike at the GearUp booth.

Topics associated with this article: Distributor news