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ASTM Standard Covers Children's Bikes

Published August 17, 2010

WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, PA (BRAIN)—A new ASTM International standard can now be used to set strength requirements for condition 0 bicycle frames.

Condition 0 bicycles, typically referred to as sidewalk bikes, are designed for young children riding under the supervision of an adult, according to a press release. The new standard, ASTM F2843, Specification for Condition 0 Bicycle Frames, was developed by Subcommittee F08.10 on Bicycles, part of ASTM International Committee F08 on Sports Equipment and Facilities.

Subcommittee F08.10’s work to date has focused on road and mountain bikes, which are the types of bicycles most likely to be involved in serious accidents. Having produced standards for the most critical elements of these bikes, the subcommittee is now working on children’s and hybrid bikes.

According to Patrick Logan, president of K Ridley Technology, Eugene, Oregon, and chair of Subcommittee F08.10, the use of a child bike on a sidewalk varies greatly from other bicycle uses, such as a road bicycle traveling at high speeds or a full suspension mountain bike going downhill on a rough trail. The conditions call for vehicles with very different endurance and impact requirements, thus creating the need for ASTM F2843.

“The strength, endurance and impact requirements set by ASTM F2843 for children’s bicycles will be particularly useful to manufacturers and designers. Furthermore, adoption of the standard will provide a working balance for safety, cost and performance,” Logan said.

Subcommittee F08.10 welcomes participation from all interested parties, particularly manufacturers, designers and test labs. Future work will be addressing competition bikes, such as freestyle and BMX.

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