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Handmade Show Seeking Out Venues

Published April 15, 2010

SPEEDWAY, IN (BRAIN)—With demand for handmade bicycles thought to be picking up, and the 2011 NAHBS venue set for Austin, Texas, the search will soon commence for venues for the period 2012-15. Prospective locations shortlisted are in Southern and Northern California, the Pacific Northwest, Eastern Central, and Southeastern.

NAHBS founder and president Don Walker said, "Following the great success of the Richmond, Virginia show, things are moving very quickly and I've had invitiations from several regions around the USA looking to play host. With meeting my building commitments, running my shop and doing the inspections, it's going to be a very busy eight weeks, I'm sure, but it's great to know how much recognition and excitement this show is generating for the handmade industry around the country, and I am delighted about our prospects for the coming years. We're six years in, have had three highly successful shows in the past three years—despite an economic downturn—and I can honestly say that from many perspectives things have never looked better."

As for the announcement of future NAHBS venues, although they may be finalized long in advance it is unlikely that this information will be made public immediately. "It helps us to select sites two or more years in advance, although we will still keep the tradition of announcing the next venue on the final day of the show," Walker said.

Exhibitor registration for the 2011 show is open, with 37 exhibitors already signed up.