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Temporary Duty Suspension is Over

Published January 5, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BRAIN)—Importers of bicycle tubing, speedometers, road and hydraulic disc brakes are back to paying the full duty on imported parts as of January, 1.

Department of Commerce removed all tariffs on those bike parts under a temporary duty suspension program, Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, which importers were hoping would be extended. But trade issues took a back seat as Congress focuses on healthcare legislation.

Hydraulic brake importers are now paying 10 percent duty on brakes, a big change of bringing in brakes duty free in December. Bicycle frame tubing and speedometers that came in duty free now pay six percent.

The Free Trade Agreements the United States has with Australia, Bahrain, the Dominican Republic and Central America, Israel, Jordan, Chile, Andean countries, African nations, Morocco Singapore, Chile, Oman and Peru, are unaffected, bike parts coming in from those countries are still duty free.

—Matt Wiebe