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IMBA to Tweet at National Bike Summit

Published March 8, 2009

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—Follow mountain bike advocates—including IMBA's executive director and government affairs director—in real time as they update their progress at the 2009 League of American Bicyclists' National Bike Summit in Washington, D.C.

Their real-time text updates will be distributed through the social networking tool Twitter and can be viewed on your computer or mobile messaging device.

Twitterers can utilize the emerging hashtag convention by including #NBS09 at the end of messages (known as tweets), allowing for easy tracking of all National Bike Summit updates.

Mike Van Abel, IMBA's chief executive officer, said he's excited about the opportunity to provide frequent updates on IMBA's progress during the three-day gathering. "This is the premier bicycle advocacy event in our nation's capital and it's truly a vital opportunity for mountain bikers," Van Abel said. "The Summit is packed with important meetings that run back-to-back, so Twitter's brief, text-based messages are a great format for providing real-time insights on what we achieve in Washington."

IMBA's government affairs director Jenn Dice will join Van Abel in posting reports. "Once a year, mountain bikers gather to bend the ears of multiple Washington decision makers and their staffs," Dice said. "I'm grateful that Twitter posts are limited to just 140 characters—just long enough to give a sense of how a meeting went before racing off to my next appointment."

The Summit, held annually, is the premier bicycle advocacy event in our nation's capital and truly a highlight for advocates. IMBA is proud to be a leading sponsor of the this year's gathering. Mountain and road cyclists will join forces to lobby as a unified front to preserve trails, trail funding and more. You can also follow the progress of representatives from Bikes Belong at

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