We're happy to report that Blue Bicycles' marketing manager Ryan Barnett is back at home after spending nearly two months in the hospital and in therapy at the Shepherd Spinal Center in Atlanta, Georgia.
Barnett was hit by a landscape truck and trailer while warming up for a crit race on May 3. He sustained a cracked cranium, broken ribs, compression fractures of his T3 and T4 and won't know for more than a year whether he will walk again.
He has been healing well from a recent surgery to fuse his vertebrae with titanium rods and screws, and is positive about his recovery.
"I have really blown through the program here and am getting discharged faster than most patients could ever hope for," Barnett said on his blog. "I have to tell you it really pays to be in shape and always take care of your body. If I wasn't in the shape I was in I probably would have been here for an extra month and then had to go to the day program, which involves going home but you still have to come back everyday for two to four weeks for full days of therapy."
Barnett also managed to squeeze in time to get married while in recovery, so congrats are in order to the newlyweds.
Click on the link to read more about Barnett's recovery.