IMBA releases Buyer's Guide for e-bikes | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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IMBA releases Buyer's Guide for e-bikes

Published November 22, 2022

GUNNISON, Colo. (BRAIN) — The International Mountain Bicycling Association has produced a one-page buyer's guide to help mountain bikers understand e-bike technology, regulations, and other issues before they buy an e-bike. 

"The term e-bike is tossed around freely and to many, it only means something with two wheels and an electric motor. If class 1 e-MTBs are going to be successfully integrated into some trail systems that are currently designated as non-motorized, the public needs more and better information," said Dave Wiens, IMBA's executive director, in an email to the organization's corporate partners on Tuesday. Wiens asked the companies share the guide with retailers and on social media. 

The guide is the product of an IMBA working group including local and national trail advocacy organizations, land managers, bicycle and motorcycle industry brands and concerned citizens.

Wiens said, "Our goal is to educate the public about the spectrum of e-bikes that are available and being positioned for use on natural surface trails, underscoring the fact that not all classes/types of e-bikes are allowed on trails. If someone is considering purchasing an e-bike to ride on trails, they need to know:

"1. If e-bikes are allowed on the trails in their area and if so, what class or type of e-bikes are allowed by regulation. 2. Then, if e-bikes are allowed on those trails, they can make an educated purchase and buy the class/type of e-bike that can be used lawfully and best suits their needs."

More information: Download the guide


IMBA releases Buyer's Guide for e-bikes
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Topics associated with this article: Electric bike, Advocacy/Non-profits