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The Dandy Horse Issued Patent For Bicycle Activity Verification System

Published October 1, 2024

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VIDAT System Set to Revolutionize Bicycle Commuting Data Verification, Benefiting Cyclists, Employers, and Municipalities Nationwide

New York, NY – The Dandy HorseTM, a U.S. based data verification and technology company specializing in authenticating bicycle miles ridden, proudly announces the grant and issuance of U.S. patent number US11998801B2, titled "Systems and Methods for Verifying Physical Activities of Users." Inventors Javier Richard Cook, Luke Kabbash, and Mark Kabbash have assigned the patent rights to The Dandy HorseTM.

Empirical Data Over Assumptions

Mark Kabbash, Founder and CEO of The Dandy HorseTM, expressed gratitude to all stakeholders for their continuous support. "This accomplishment reflects our team's unwavering belief that empirical data holds greater value than unverified information," said M. Kabbash. "Claims of miles ridden have historically been faith-based and unverified. Sport fitness tracking applications assume users won't cheat. But let's be honest, how many people are entirely truthful, even with their doctors?"

Introducing VIDAT: Verification at Its Best
The company's flagship product, VIDAT which stands for Verification, Inspection, Demonstration, Analysis, and Testing is set to change the landscape of data verification in cycling. "There are only four ways to scientifically test anything, and VIDAT uses all four," noted M. Kabbash. "It's important to emphasize that VIDAT is not a sports tracking application; it's a data verification system. If VIDAT cannot verify a claim based on the data submitted by the bicycle commuter, our artificial intelligence and machine learning models will not approve the ride."

Benefits for Cyclists, Employers, and Municipalities
The Dandy HorseTM aims to boast the world's largest database of verified miles ridden in America. "The primary winner is the cyclist," M. Kabbash added. "Verified data is a crucial element employers have been lacking. With concrete proof of total monthly miles ridden
by each bicycle-commuting employee, employers can provide healthcare providers with tangible data. The health benefits of cycling are undeniable, and healthcare premiums should reflect that for both employers and employees."

After discussions with elected officials from multiple states, it became evident that data used for future bicycle commuter safety measures and budgeting is often unverified, costing municipalities millions. "Much of this data is sold by sports fitness tracking applications using usage patterns and 'heat maps.' We believe most bicycle commuters don't use these apps during their weekly commutes. Unverified data that's not reflective of actual commuting patterns won't help build the safer bicycle infrastructure that urban cyclists need and deserve," explained M. Kabbash.

In response, M. Kabbash will ask stakeholders and the Board of Directors to provide this verified data free of charge to every municipality. "Yes, The Dandy HorseTM aims to offer the world's largest database of verified miles to elected officials in the United States at no cost," he affirmed.

Jeffery Patterson expresses that, as a member of the Board of Directors and a founder, it is reassuring to witness the team's efforts gaining momentum and establishing a barrier to entry in this market. The patents enable Dandy to concentrate on the SaaS model and begin the search for OEMs and VARs.

Innovative Verification Technology
The Dandy HorseTM utilizes a combination of tag identifiers QR codes, NFC tags, RFID tags, and beacons to verify that the user is indeed the individual who rode a bicycle from point A to point B. By integrating an RFID tag within the bicycle wheel and incorporating a sally port for egress, the patented technology offers property managers an autonomous bicycle storage facility with carbon emissions tracking and reporting. "This innovation addresses one of the most requested services by tenants in commercial properties, a secured bicycle storage facility," said M. Kabbash. "Additionally, it contributes to REITs' U.S. Green Building Council LEED scoring system."

Honoring the Legacy of the Bicycle
"We at The Dandy HorseTM want to thank Baron Karl von Drais, the inventor of the bicycle and our namesake," M. Kabbash shared. On June 12, 1817, in Mannheim, Germany, Baron von Drais introduced the world's first bicycle, soon called a Dandy Horse. With the introduction of pedals and gears, the world's most efficient machine was born. A typical bicyclist emits just 34 grams of CO2 per mile, compared to over 400 grams emitted by an average internal combustion engine in America.

Aligning with SEC Climate Disclosure Rules
On March 6, 2024, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted new rules mandating that public companies disclose extensive climate change-related information in their filings. Reporting of employees' commutes falls under Scope 3, Category 7, relying on methods that often require bi-annual employee surveys.

"VIDAT was designed to pass a sustainability audit with empirical data which is more valuable verified than unverified," explained M. Kabbash. "By incorporating employees' normal modes of transportation into the VIDAT application, The Dandy HorseTM can provide data on carbon dioxide avoided during each commute. It's believed that the average bicycle commuter can avoid producing as much as 2 metric tons of CO2 annually."

Technology partner
The Dandy Horse partnered with KiwiTech to develop the advanced technology platform that powers VIDAT. "Working with The Dandy Horse to build this innovative platform has been a remarkable experience," said Rakesh Gupta, CEO of KiwiTech. "Our team is proud to contribute cutting-edge technology to support verified, data-driven solutions that help drive sustainability efforts and foster greater transparency."

A Call to Action for Corporate America

"The decarbonization efforts of corporate America should start with the employee's commute," emphasized M. Kabbash. "We at The Dandy HorseTM 'Trust but Verify,' and we're committed to providing solutions that benefit not just our clients but society as a whole."

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