Planet Bike Celebrates National Bike Month by Awarding Grants to 11 Advocacy Groups Across the U.S. | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Planet Bike Celebrates National Bike Month by Awarding Grants to 11 Advocacy Groups Across the U.S.

Published May 31, 2024

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Madison, WI – May 31, 2024 – In celebration of National Bike Month, Planet Bike has awarded over $21,500 to eleven non-profit organizations across the U.S. These groups are actively expanding cycling access, championing infrastructure development, and promoting a culture of diversity and equity in American bicycling through education and policy efforts. The result is a more bicycle friendly America.

As a member of 1% for the Planet® (an alliance of businesses that are financially committed to creating a healthy planet), Planet Bike pledges time, resources and profits that amount to 1% of their annual sales. This commitment aligns with the company's mission, values and belief that the bicycle provides powerful solutions for creating a healthier planet.

With contributions totaling over $2.6 million, to date, Planet Bike's support is helping to develop thriving cycling organizations and equitable transportation networks across the country.

The following non-profit organizations have received support from Planet Bike in this round of funding:

League of American Bicyclists - https://www.bikeleague.org/

The League of American Bicyclists represents bicyclists in the movement to create safer roads, stronger communities, and a bicycle-friendly America. They define standards and share best practices to engage diverse communities and build a powerful, unified voice for bicycling.

Youth Bike Summit - https://youthbikesummit.org/

The Youth Bike Summit (YBS) is a 3-day national conference happening June 14-16, 2024, in Lehigh Valley, PA. The conference is built to give youth a platform for civic engagement and bicycle advocacy. The YBS is a supportive, encouraging, and inclusive space that welcomes and highlights diversity of perspectives relating to activism, social justice, job training, transportation and mobility policy, climate change and community resilience all supporting bicycling as a catalyst for the health of our communities.

Boise Bike Project - https://www.boisebicycleproject.org/

The Boise Bike Project is a community focused non-profit that promotes the personal, social and environmental benefits of bicycling. They strive to build a stronger bicycling community through providing a bicycle recycling center and an educational workspace in a diverse and non-threatening atmosphere. Their core programs include youth bike repair, youth bike giveaways and adult educational programing accessible to all people.

Bikes for Kids WI - https://bikesforkidswi.org/

Started as Free Bikes for Kidz – Madison in 2008 the organization has grown and rebranded their organization to Bike for Kids Wisconsin, expanding their mission state wide. The organization brings communities together to sustainably furnish bikes to kids in need, providing a pathway to health, happiness and opportunity. They have worked with over 169 organizations and put over 10,000 bikes in the hands of new owners since their founding. Planet Bike's support includes volunteer hours, monetary and product support including sponsorship of their public garage sale happening June 1st, 2024.

Portland Gear Hub - https://portlandgearhub.org/

Portland Gear Hub's mission is to get more youth and adults outside and active by increasing access to affordable, reliable gear. They provide a wide array of bicycle education and programming including Earn-a-Bike, Learn to Ride courses, Bikes for all Mainers and Girls' Mountain Bike Camps. They aim to lower the barrier of entry for those trying a sport for the first time or looking for an affordable mode of transportation.

Wisconsin Bike Fed – https://wisconsinbikefed.org/

The Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin cultivates, motivates, and unites a strong community of citizens and business and political leaders to move bicycling forward in Wisconsin. Planet Bike's support helps fund the Bike Fed's community outreach, educational programming, and legislative initiatives.

In addition, Planet Bike is supporting the following organizations though membership, product donation or other forms of support: 1% for the Planet, Adventure Cycling, Wheels for Winners, League of Michigan Cyclists and IMBA.

About Planet Bike

Planet Bike is a leading supplier of bicycle lights and accessories. Planet Bike loves the balance that the bicycle brings to the world and its power to make people, communities, and the planet healthier. In addition to creating products that make cycling safer and more enjoyable, Planet Bike pledges time, resources and profits to organizations working for sustainable transportation solutions.
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