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NBDA Releases US Bicycle Market Overview 2020 Report

Published May 24, 2021

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The National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA), in partnership with Jay Townley, Human Powered Solutions announced the release of the NBDA US Bicycle Market Overview 2020 Report on the state of the US specialty bicycle retailer market. The report is available on the NBDA website.

"The bicycle industry has been met with unprecedented times. The 2020 market report data is critical to help retailers understand the impacts. The NBDA is committed to making sure retailers are positioned to use this data to excel their businesses, and in turn took the report one step further by coupling with an 8-webinar series and additional show presentations led by Townley." stated NBDA President Heather Mason.

The report is the 21st chapter of a chronicle, a chronological record and history of the American bicycle business spanning the last twenty-one years that views 2019, the pre-pandemic period and the 2020 surge in consumer demand during the pandemic, in historical context that covers a fifty-six-year history from 1965 to 2020 that includes the Bike Boom years of 1971 to 1974.

It includes information on imports, exports, the cycling population, channels of trade, retailers, sales by product category, top bicycle brands, and niche products. To capture emerging and ongoing trends, the report draws upon a variety of data sources including US government agencies and bicycle industry organizations.

Jay Townley, who compiled the report, spoke on the report importance for not only retailers, but suppliers as well, "Bike Shops need to review the whole report to understand the vitally important role their channel of trade has played in the bicycle business that is about to emerge into the post-pandemic era, and suppliers need to review this report to understand the history that has shaped the future they are about to experience."

In addition to the report, the NBDA will offer an 8-part NBDA super webinar series presented by Human Powered Solutions beginning June 2021 and lasting through September 2021. These 45-minute presentations will dive deep into specific content- giving those who review the report an expert delivered analysis of the material.

Townley will present in partnership with the NBDA on the US Bicycle Market Overview 2020 Report at select trade shows in fall of 2021; Big Gear Show and all CABDA shows (Midwest, West and East).
Retailers and other industry professionals can obtain a copy of the 2020 report on the NBDA website for $999 or at the special pricing listed for NBDA members. Purchase of the report includes admission to the 8-part NBDA super webinar series beginning June 1st.

For access to additional information on the event, go to While you're there you can join the NBDA or renew your membership online. There are many free resources on the website available to everyone, including the educational podcast Bicycle Retail Radio.