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Trailforks launches Trail Karma Month

Published July 8, 2020

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Trailforks is excited to announce the launch of Trail Karma Month, a campaign to raise awareness and increase funding for trail associations and builders around the world. For the month of July, we’re giving trail users more reason to give back to the trails that we love and enjoy through Trail Karma Month with a chance to win prizes.

More so than before, trail associations are spread thin as trail maintenance increases and access to resources decreases. Due to COVID-19, funding is being cut, while more and more people are outside using the trails. There is a large gap between current funding and what is required to build and maintain the trails that bring us so much joy. Which got us thinking...

Trailforks provides the best tools to discover, plan, and track any trail adventure. It allows trail associations to manage and grow trail networks to give users the most accurate map information accessible through multiple devices, which is why Trailforks makes contributing to trail organizations quick, accessible, and easy with Trail Karma. To help encourage others to give back, we thought what better than to combine the two and launch Trail Karma Month


We believe in the principle of cause and effect; that by supporting trail builders and associations we invest in the future of maintaining and growing the trails. In 2019 alone, Trail Karma raised over US$80,000 for organizations around the world. It provides a direct way for users to put 100% of their donation into trail associations and builders developing trail systems, and Trail Karma Month is our month-long celebration where users can give back. We've partnered with some great brands who share our initiative, and are offering up a chance to win some cool prizes along the way.

WHEN - JULY 1-30. 2020

We are encouraging everyone around the world to support their favourite trails by donating via Trail Karma in July. Whether you mountain bike, hike, trail run, or even use something with a motor, users can donate to a trail association(s) of your choice between July 1st - 31st. 2020 for a chance to win. A minimum donation of $5 will be required. Trail Karma points will be awarded to a donor via Trailforks; each point will equal one entry. On August 1st. 2020, we will host a random draw for prizing.

So imagine a world without trails. Go buy your trail builder a beer. Donate a dollar for every trail you use next week. Now's the time to support your trails.