Family-run Illinois bike shop expands | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Family-run Illinois bike shop expands

Published August 28, 2012

QUINCY, IL (BRAIN) – The Madison and Davis Bicycle Shop is expanding its storefront in downtown Quincy with the addition of a new 5,000-square-foot building.   

“We’ve been in the same location for 65 years,” said current owner Greg Davis. “In the late ’70s we bought the ground north of us, and once our customers came on board, including a contractor and architect, we figured we might as well take advantage of it.”

Founded in 1947, the Madison and Davis Bicycle Shop started out as a father-son venture between J.W. and Carl Madison. The two took on Davis as a shop rat in 1964 and mechanic Ryan Hildebrand in 1999.

“One of the main reasons for the expansion is that Ryan has two young sons,” said Davis. “We’re a family-based business and want to provide a facility to hand on to the next generation.”

Except for a “shop lite” in back, which will be used to install accessories on site, the new building will be entirely dedicated to the display of merchandise. New fitting rooms, changing rooms and restrooms were also included in the design. The old building will continue its status as the “shop proper” and function as a storage area as well.

“With everything on display, our customers will be able to see products a lot easier,” said Davis. “And now, with more room, we’ll hopefully have customers building their own bicycles through Trek’s Project One program.”

Construction is scheduled to be completed in November, with a spring grand opening planned.