Move Press Launches Mountain Bike Title | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Move Press Launches Mountain Bike Title

Published June 30, 2011

PASADENA, CA (BRAIN)—Move Press is rolling out its third title in less than a year with Switchback, a magazine focused on the mountain bike lifestyle.

Switchback will be headed by Philip Booth who launched Road Bike Action with Move Press publisher Brad Roe in 2006. He left RBA a year ago to take a marketing position with FSA. His last day with FSA was yesterday.

Move Press, which Roe founded last year, also publishes Peloton and 3/GO.

Switchback will follow the same philosophy at Peloton and 3GO with a heavy focus on design, creative photography, features and in-depth product reviews. The first issue is on newsstands November.

“We’re going to be focusing more on 29ers, endurance riders, trail bikes, that part of the mountain bike spectrum. Less downhill, less freeride,” Booth said of the editorial content.

Similar to Peloton, Switchback will include elements that stray from product, but are associated with the mountain bike lifestyle such as features on travel and the outdoors.

Much of the Switchback contributions will come from existing Move Press staff including art director Tim Schamber, photographer John Segesta, technical editor Ben Edwards and contributing editor Heidi Swift. Roe will also work on Switchback.

Booth will split his time between Seattle and Southern California where Move Press is located.

—Nicole Formosa

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