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Cycle Dog Putting Inner Tubes to Good Use

Published July 8, 2009

PORTLAND, OR (BRAIN)—Cycle Dog, owned by Lanette Fidrych, is a relatively new company that makes dog leashes and collars out of old bike inner tubes.

“I am an avid bicyclist, and along with that comes a lot of flat tires,” Fidrych said. “I felt is was wrong to throw these old tubes away, so I started thinking about what to do with them. I have two dogs and I never had enough leashes and collars. I started sewing these products for them, and found that my family and friends loved them. People are really gravitating to them because many pet lovers also have great respect for the environment. It’s a perfect match.”

Cycle Dog collars and leashes both come in seven different colors, retailing for $20.

Retailers or individuals wanting to find a home for their old inner tubes can visit, and click on the recycle link.

For more on Cycle Dog be sure to read the August 1 issue of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News.

—Jason Norman