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H3 Publications Hires Alan Davis

Published May 13, 2009

VALENCIA, CA (BRAIN)—H3 Publications has hired Alan Davis as Decline magazine’s senior photographer.

“I’m super excited to finally add Alan to the Decline masthead," said Scott Hart, editor-in-chief and co-founder of Decline magazine. “We’ve known Alan for several years and have always been fond of his work in the community."

Davis has a strong background in writing, photography and web development. He has worked as a cycling photojournalist for the last six years, prior to accepting the new position with Decline.

In this new role with H3 Publications, Davis will be working close with the Decline staff, but will also be contributing to Decline’s sister publication, Road magazine.

Davis had been working as Bike magazine's web editor since December 2006. Before that, he had served as the senior editor of Mountain Biking magazine.

Topics associated with this article: Media/Publishing