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Suppliers: January Sales Down 18 Percent

Published March 12, 2008

PHILDELPHIA, PA (BRAIN)—January was a slim month for suppliers who shipped 18 percent fewer bikes worth 18 percent fewer dollars to retailers then they did last year, according to the Bicycle Product Supplier Association (BPSA).

But retailers across the Mountain West, Midwest and Northeast say weather was not only cold, but snow or rain was everywhere.

In a big surprise after years of falling sales, 26-inch rigid mountain bikes were the only bike category to show positive sales growth. Suppliers sold $122,977 of rigid mountain bikes, up 18 percent over last January’s sales. All categories were off last year's sales, but comfort, down 3.6 percent, and cruiser, down 4.7 percent, posted the lowest sales losses.

Juvenile bikes were particularly hard hit, 20-inch bikes were down 41 percent and sub-20 inch sidewalk bikes were down 28 percent. Road bikes were down 26 percent in sales, off more then $5 million.

This year’s inventory was 18 percent lower in units and value compared with last year. So far suppliers are keeping inventory lean—a good place to be—to move new product through the pipeline when warm, dry weather jump starts sales again.

—Matt Wiebe

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