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BLC Registration Now Open

Published November 15, 2007

SAN DIEGO, CA (BRAIN)—Online and mail/fax registration is now open for the 11th annual Bicycle Leadership Conference (BLC) to be held January 18th-20 in San Diego, CA.

The BLC traditionally attracts some of the industry's best and brightest minds from the retailer, supplier, and advocacy sectors of the business for three days of insight and discussion on some of the industry's most challenges and thought-provoking issues. Registration is limited to 200 attendees, but space is still available.

The 2008 BLC edition, held for the first time under the exclusive auspices of the BPSA, will focus on original BPSA-sponsored research into issues of industry growth and profitability, according to BPSA president John Nedeau of SRAM.

"Our intention is to make Bicycle Leadership Conference more inclusive and issue-driven," Nedeau said. "To that end, we're directing independent researchers to take a fresh look at how we can do a better job of growing
participation in cycling at all sectors of the market and across the supply chain." Announcement of the research topics will be made shortly, Nedeau said.

More information, venue and registration details for the BLC event are available when clicking on the link.

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