WASHINGTON (BRAIN) — The Paycheck Protection Program was extended another month to small businesses needing financial assistance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
PITTSBURGH (BRAIN) — Dick's Sporting Goods restored salaries and ended furloughs for employees after stores closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
DALLAS (BRAIN) — Organizers of the North American Handmade Bicycle Show announced Friday that they were canceling the show, which had been scheduled for Dallas in August.

PITTSBURGH (BRAIN) — Temporary store closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic led to Dick’s Sporting Goods’ net sales dropping 30.6% in the first quarter year-over-year for the quarter ending May 2.

HATTIESBURG, Miss. (BRAIN) — With careful consideration of staff and customer health, many bike retailers are wrestling with the safe way to reopen to foot traffic after shelter-in-place orders lift in the wake of COVID-19.

BATH, United Kingdom (BRAIN) — The pandemic has brought millions of new cyclists into the sport, and how to retain those riders in the sport is on the minds of many. But what about our pre-existing consumers who were cycling enthusiasts before the pandemic? How have their habits changed and what will they need from retailers and suppliers after this is all over?
THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. (BRAIN) — Human Powered Solutions LLC is launching a three-part consumer survey that will examine attitudes and intentions regarding bikes through the next year.

MIAMISBURG, Ohio (BRAIN) — Bruno Maier has held a wide range of positions in the industry, including stints at Huffy, Pacific, CSG, PeopleForBikes, Rocky Mounts. Now he's at United Wheels, the owner of Huffy, Niner, Batch, Vaast, Royce Union and other brands.
SALT LAKE CITY (BRAIN) — Organizers of The Big Gear Show, a new outdoor and bike trade show planned for July, have decided to cancel the inaugural event and reschedule for Aug. 2-3, 2021.

NORMAL, Ill. (BRAIN) — Bike retailer Chris Koos figured the best way to diffuse the protest of his shop was offering an exclusive sale.

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (BRAIN) — Hardstreet, a motorcycle accessory company, is offering a variety of shatterproof counter shields for bike retailers looking to operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.