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TerraTrike creates new website for recumbent trike enthusiasts

Published May 25, 2016

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (BRAIN) — Recumbent tricycle manufacturer TerraTrike has launched a new website to help trike owners connect with other riders in their local communities.

The company said will serve as the place to find like-minded recumbent trike enthusiasts who want to ride. Once they've signed up for a free account, users can find other riders in their local community, join a group ride, or organize and plan their own ride. Users can also view a map of other registered users nearby, create their own group, comment and post on forums.

The company said TrikeGroups is not brand specific.

"Trike riding has been providing mobility and activity to people from all walks of life for decades," said marketing director Jeff Yonker, "and we want to offer riders a way to connect with other trike owners nearby, and build their own local triking community. We believe that the more people get together and ride, the stronger the trike community will become, and the more fun everyone will have."

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