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WTB's new sit-bone measurement tool is used on the rider's own bike

Published August 27, 2015

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany (BRAIN) — WTB is showing off its new Saddle Fit System at Eurobike. The system is designed to steer a rider towards suggested saddles by using a pressure sensitive pad that is placed over the rider's existing saddle to measure sit-bone position.

"By allowing our Saddle Fit System to slide over a rider's existing saddle, we are not changing his or her preferences for fore/aft adjustment of the rails, nor slope of the saddle," said Chris Feucht, WTB's manager of new product. "In fact, we're gaining a sit-bone measurement that adheres to the correct pelvic aspect, which changes from bike to bike and riding type."

A firm, molded base acts as a measuring platform for a white viscio-elastic pad that leaves an imprint of the rider's sit bones. Areas of greater pressure leave a deeper impression, allowing an appropriate measurement depression on the pad. Connected to the back of the Saddle Fit System is WTB's measurement tool composed of a metric ruler and correlating suggested saddles based on width measured. Additionally, the measurement tool gives a vertical profile of the saddle's shape, indicating whether or not the suggested saddle has a flat or curved top.

The WTB Saddle Fit System is intended to be used with an existing WTB Test Ride Kit, acting as a shop tool to assist customers in testing and purchasing saddles. 

Topics associated with this article: Eurobike