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Quintana Roo auctions bike to support Texas rebuilding fund

Published September 7, 2017

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (BRAIN) — Quintana Roo has launched an online auction of its Fit Series entry-level triathlon bike, the Kilo Race, to support the OneStar Foundation’s Rebuild Texas Fund, which was established through a $36 million contribution from the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation. The fund will focus on a long-term vision for recovery from Hurricane Harvey of the affected areas along the Texas coast. The auction will be hosted by eBay Sept. 6-16 at 12:46 PM with bids starting at $1,000. 

The bike has an MSRP of $3,000. 

The winning bidder will be able to select the size that best fits them from small to extra-large, and the bike will be shipped directly to the winner or to their local QR dealer. 

“We have such wonderful customers in Texas, and we wanted to do something to help them and the communities that were hit so hard by Hurricane Harvey,” Peter Hurley, the president of American Bicycle Group, the parent company of QR. “We looked around for what we believed to be an impactful opportunity to assist and chose the Rebuild Texas Fund. The Fund will take a ‘big picture’ approach since long-term help will be necessary for the battered communities, and the Fund is managed by OneStar Foundation and supported by the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation. We thought it was a solid choice.”

The auction is open now on