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Lifeboat Events Bike PressCamp-Winter

If they could, nearly every brand would launch new product to the media with world-class riding, gourmet food and in-depth, high-quality face time. The proven formula of PressCamp affords all companies national media exposure at a very reasonable price. It greatly reduces product launch out-of-office time and introduces many manufacturers to new media outlets. It’s simple, select the space and personnel package that fits your launch plans and show up with your story and samples. The second edition of Winter PressCamp will again be held in Southern California. Editors and manufacturer personnel will have their lodging, meals and scheduled face time together at the same property, making for a more intimate camp that provides ample networking opportunities.

Date: January 27, 2015 to January 30, 2015
Event Location: 
Westlake Village Inn, Westlake Village, Calif.